What Not To Do After A Car Accident
By Ken Ringstad on July 1st, 2014 in Blog, Car Accident, Distracted Driving
When someone is injured in a car accident caused by another driver, there is an onslaught of advice about the next steps that person should take. From going to the hospital and having the injuries treated to filing a lawsuit against the other driver, there are plenty of well-known to-dos after an accident.
But in the jumble of advice given after a car accident, what not to do is often left out. There are several mistakes that can be made that will hurt anyone’s car accident case and ability to receive compensation for a serious injury.
A helpful legal guide from Avvo outlines some of the most common mistakes people make after being injured in a car accident, and why those actions can be detrimental to the case:
Signing rights away. If you have been hurt in a car accident, you should not sign anything until you advise with a car accident attorney. Seemingly harmless papers, such as car damage releases, sometimes have fine print that waive future injury claims or allows the at-fault insurance company access to your medical records, infringing on your privacy.
Revealing information online. You should expect defense attorneys and insurance adjusters to investigate your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages — even if the security settings are on “private.” This Internet research is an attempt to prove that you aren’t as injured as you say you are. Be wary of what you choose to post.
Forgetting to document your injuries. If you have a visible injury, or have to get surgery because of your injury, remember to document it. Take pictures and keep medical records and bills. There is also the option to contact your car accident attorney to send a photographer to document your injuries. Recording videos are also an effective way of showing how an injury has affected your life. If you don’t document how an injury has affected you, there is less evidence to prove you need compensation. It may also be a good idea to take photos of any damages to you car after the accident: repair estimates can be inaccurate and often don’t demonstrate the true amount of car destruction.
Poor communication with your lawyer. The most effective way to steer clear of errors in any car accident case is to maintain exceptional communication with your attorney. Without proper communication with a person experienced in handling car accident cases, the plethora of perplexing laws can ruin your chances of filing a successful lawsuit and receiving compensation for damages.
After many years of witnessing deserving people lose their ability to claim compensation after a car accident for these simple mistakes, the best advice we can give you is to get in touch with an attorney. Having a lawyer answer your questions and advise you before taking any action can have a critical effect on your case.
Photo Credit: State Farm via Compfight cc