Tanana Valley Farmer’s Market
By Ken Ringstad on September 1st, 2014 in Uncategorized
One of the best characteristics of Fairbanks and Interior Alaska is the fresh foods that can be produced here. For many guest from out of town, it may seem surprising that fresh produce can be grown in a state with cold weather like Alaska but many crops thrive.
The Tanana Valley Farmer’s Market in Fairbanks is proof of that. This market, which is open every day of the week, provides Alaskans with fresh asparagus, broccoli, carrots cabbage, strawberries, tomatoes, blueberries, beef, spinach and countless other products. All of the food sold at the market is from local farms.
If you’re in need of some fresh veggies to make the perfect stew, or want some juicy fruit to turn in to preserves, this farmer’s market is perfect. The food changes with the season, so there is always a variety to choose from. This food is “thousands of miles fresher” than produce you’ll find in a regular grocery store.
If your refrigerator and pantry are already stocked, the farmer’s market still has something to offer. You can shop through an assortment of plants for your home or garden and handmade Alaskan crafts.
This farmer’s market is one of the oldest and most established in Alaska, and is definitely worth a visit, even if you only buy one locally grown apple. If you haven’t made it there yet this summer, you might want to hurry; the market is only open through September 21st. For more information about the times and events of our wonder Fairbanks farmer’s market, visit the website. Happy eating!